October 16, 2024

Official Music Video

“No Shelter in the Cold” is our official music video. We are proud of what we are doing as a path forward in saving lives. 2024 Copyright, Homeless in Alaska. All Rights Reserved.

⚡ Why are we doing this? First, we must go back to when everything was COVID for us in Anchorage. The more we saw of the eroding of our rights, we saw an explosion in the homeless population, drugs, overdoses, sexual assault and so much more. We kept watching the complete waste of taxpayer dollars that went to enrich a few. And yet the homeless population kept getting exponentially bigger as did all the other things that went with it. 

Every week, the death counts were mounting, and yet, nothing was being done. Other than for the city to leave them alone! When the Assembly decided to lock the public out of the general assembly meeting, that was the “Hit the nail on the Head”, moment for us. The Assembly was trying to pass items without the public input because everyone was against the measures. 

In the beginning, the homeless were left to fend for themselves with lack of food and services, as there were none. The homeless were all on their own while trying to survive. Unlike those that did not lose anything. There was just a few of us at first, because we cared! We got out and went to them in the deep woods, asking what their true needs were. What little we had; we gave. Whether it was a bit of food, clothes, transportation, hugs and prayers. We saw their conditions worsening each week.

So fast forward through time from when it was just a few of us. Now we are many and all committed to making a difference! We have made friends; we have helped many! We have helped arrange getting those that want off the streets to the help they were seeking! We have helped with finding jobs! We have helped rescue sexual assault victims! And we continue to help!

A question last asked to the team was, “Where do we go now?” 

Answers were returned and summarized by team consensus: 

There must be some large, buried bones that still needs to be dug up. We absolutely must find them! When we do, we are going to show the world the proof (documents, pictures, videos, audio recordings all obtained legally) of just how the backdoor deals were made, and who made the dollars from them. There is a large team of us that are diving deep into this process while other outreach organization’s are working on other things. We have found some “little nuggets” by a few million (cough cough) you might say. But those millions now are just the tiny tip of the iceberg. We have found some very serious big nuggets that are not fully unearthed yet. Those items are soon, and expected to grow by several orders of magnitude. Let’s just say it is “juicy” in so many ways from Anchorage, Kenai, Fairbanks, Juneau and more.  

A special heartfelt Thank You to the other outreach organizations throughout the state in their pursuit in helping us fight for justice and to Save LIVES!!!

Stay Tuned, the fun is about to begin with more articles, document dumps and a whole LOT more!. Thank You FOIA!